School Related Services in Queens, NY





In addition to providing individualized private tutoring to students, Tutors on Wheels also offers group tutoring programs to schools throughout the New York City Department of Education and other child affiliated organizations. Thanks to our dedication in the field of education over the past 13 years, we have been granted several opportunities to provide both afterschool and Saturday school tutoring programs in grades K-12. Some of the various programs that we have serviced schools for in the Department of Education as well as other educational organizations are as follows:

·         Common Core ELA Preparation (3-8)

·         Common Core Math Preparation (3-8)

·         Remedial Reading and Writing Skills

·         Remedial Math Skills

·         SAT Test Preparation Program

·         High School Regents Review (all Regents exams)

Tutors on Wheels is flexible in creating a tutoring program that best fits the school’s population and their educational needs. Prior to beginning the tutoring program, Tutors on Wheels will provide the school/organization with a comprehensive program plan for the program. This program plan will include the following:

·         An Elaborative Curriculum 

·         Textbooks and materials included

·         Parent Contact Opportunities

·         Progress Reports for Student Growth

·         Pre/Post Test Assessments

·         An Accurate Breakdown of Class Rosters

·         Set Protocol and Standard of Operations